

Morris is a small rural community in the heart of north
central Pennsylvania. It is 12 miles south of Wellsboro
and 10 miles west of Liberty. Our church building is
located in the middle of Morris. We serve the Lord by
serving the community we live in. 
Please feel free to join us for Sunday worship or
email us by sending a message form the “Contact” page.


What is a “Mennonite” anyway?

Then and Now

We must look at the past and the present to understand what the label
Mennonite means.  Born during the days of the Reformation, the
Mennonites are one stream within the movement in the church know
as the Anabaptist. Anabaptist means re-baptizer.  The Anabaptist
believed the Reformation movement in the 1500’s did not go far enough. 
They believed the church consists of those who have expressed their
faith in Jesus Christ and willingly follow Him.  As a result of this belief,
members of the church must be old enough to understand this commitment. 
In 1525, several members re-baptized themselves as a symbol of their
commitment to Jesus Christ. They also believed scripture could be
understood by members of the church through the leading of
the Holy Spirit.  Thus, it wasn’t necessary for highly trained clergy
to interpret the word of God to the congregation.

These beliefs were in direct conflict with the various state churches in
Europe.  Intense persecution resulted and Anabaptist had to meet in
secret.  Many Anabaptist gave up their lives refusing to deny their beliefs. 
This persecution and isolation also resulted in many different streams of
Anabaptist expression,  The Amish, Brethren in Christ, and Mennonites
are just a few of these.  Even within the Mennonite label, there are many
different ways these beliefs are lived out.

Our Beliefs

We believe that Jesus Christ is the center of our faith.  He is the Son of
God and our Lord and Savior.  The church consists of the community of
believers who have willingly expressed their faith in Jesus Christ. The
Bible, the Word of God, is authoritative in our lives.  Our understanding
of the Bible must be examined through the life and words of Jesus Christ
and the leading of the Holy Spirit within the community of believers.
Faith must be lived out if it is to have any meaning.

“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid,
which is Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 3:11 NIV

Taste and See

These beliefs give the Mennonite Church a distinctive feeling.  We
have a strong sense of community as we live out our faith together
as the body of Christ, the church. Emphasis is placed on the
connection between faith, words, and actions.  Community, peace,
and love are emphasized.  This is reflected in a concern and caring
for those within the church and the community around us.

Touching the World

Jesus said,

Peace be with you! l  As the Father has sent me,   I am sending you.

John 20:21 NIV

 The church is the body of Christ.  We are called to reach out to those
around us;  to share the Good News of salvation and new life that can
be found in Jesus Christ.  We invite you to join with us as we reach
out to the community of Morris and further.

Map data from PA Dept of Transportation and Dept. of Environmental Protection. Map Software- QGIS.


Directions From Williamsport:

Take Us 15 ( I-99) north to the Liberty exit. Turn left
at the bottom of the ramp and drive approximately
10 miles west on SR 414 to the Village of Morris. Turn left
approximately 40 yards before the stop sign at the intersection
of SR 414 and SR287. Drive 0.2 miles south on SR 287.
Mennonite Bible Fellowship is on the left accross from the Post Office.


We are a member of the Mosaic Mennonite Conference. Find out more at: